Friday, December 7, 2012

Reading your way through relationships

I'm back! After a bit of a hiatus, I'm pleased to return to the blogging world. I've been doing more reading lately, but just in case work gets crazy again, I'm going to open up the topics on this blog to my other favorite subject: alcohol. Wait, that doesn't sound so classy. I'll try to limit myself to wine, but I guess I can't help if my favorite bourbon cocktail of the week sneaks in.

Sometime this weekend I'll get around to reviewing the handful of books I've read over the past few months. In the meantime, an interesting conversation today at work sparked some thoughts that I'll share with you all in hopes of getting some good suggestions.

When I was single, people were constantly suggesting interesting, helpful, and sometimes unintentionally hilarious books on dating. Since I've left the world of painfully awkward and flat out bad dates, no one has suggested any relationship books for me to read.

Are there any good relationship guides out there? Maybe one called, "How to make an important life decision about where to live with your significant other: balancing job offers,  families, and cost of living." 'Cause I'm looking for that one...

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