Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I should begin my blog with a disclaimer: I have absolutely no authority on books. I am not an author, I am not a book critic, I didn't even major in English in college (as is probably evident by the terrible structure of this sentence which is very quickly becoming a run-on). All of that said, I decided to write this blog because I love books. Forget the e-readers, forget the books on tape...err, mp3. Give me a comfy chair and a book with real paper pages that I can turn and I'll sit there all day.

Of course, in reality, I do most of my reading on the train during my hour long commute every day. I'm a pretty fast reader to begin with, which means I go through at least 3 books a week. I won't subject you all to a review of each one. Sometimes I'll just post a brief blurb about each, sometimes I'll dive into just one. Who knows where this blog will go!

So how do I choose my books? In the most scientific method possible of course: alphabetically. I started at the beginning of the A's in my library and have worked my way down the entire shelf, skipping anything that looked absolutely horrid (although it stands to reason that some looked good and turned out to be terrible, so maybe some that looked terrible might be good). I'm now on B's. I also accept book suggestions and donations mostly from my mom and roommate, and sometimes borrow them from my office.

In general I try to avoid books that might give me nightmares (murders, mysteries, graphic war). I like a good mix of fiction and non-fiction and I adore trashy romance novels.

Feel free to post recommendations and thanks for reading!